Mekrath’s Lair – Baldur’s Gate II

This guide will walk you through Mekrath’s Lair in the Temple District of the city of Athkatla in Baldur’s Gate II. This area’s code in the game files is AR0705.

baldurs gate 2 map temple district sewers
Map of Mekrath’s Lair

Note: The Temple District Sewers and Mind Flayer Area walkthroughs can be found on their own pages.

7 – Umber Hulks

In this room, you’ll encounter five umber hulks and a minotaur (or salamanders, or yuan-tis, depending on your level). In a (locked and trapped) chest nearby, you’ll find a Necklace of Form Stability.

8 – Altar

This altar will start out locked and trapped. To open it, you’ll need to deal with Mekrath (#10) and free Haer’Dalis (#9). Inside the altar, you’ll find a Harp of Discord and a Portal Gem. You’ll need the gem for Raelis Shai’s quest in the Five Flagons Inn in the Bridge District.

9 – Haer’Dalis

Haer’Dalis is involved in a quest from Raelis Shai in the Five Flagons Inn in the Bridge District. To free him from his enchantment, you’ll have to kill Mekrath (#10) or complete his quest (or both).

10 – Mekrath / Imp

When Mekrath (#10) first spots you, he’ll berate you for breaking into his private sanctum. If you insult him or demand anything from him, then he’ll attack you. But if you apologize for intruding, and if you talk to him again and tell him that you’re looking for adventure, then he’ll give you a quest. He’ll tell you that “an annoying little imp” stole a mirror from him and escaped into the sewers, and he’ll ask you to get the mirror back.

Note: If you stand next to Mekrath for too long after accepting the quest, then he’ll turn hostile.

You’ll find the imp — with a summoned lesser earth elemental — on the eastern side of the sewers (#10a). You’ll earn 2420 for defeating them, and you’ll find Mekrath’s Mirror on the imp’s corpse. When you deliver the mirror to Mekrath, he’ll give you Haer’Dalis (who will move over to Exit C), and you’ll also earn 18,750 xp. Then Mekrath will teleport away, so you won’t be able to complete his quest and kill him both.

If you refuse Mekrath’s reward, or if you just attack him at first sight, then you’ll earn 14,000 xp for defeating him, and you’ll find a Mage Robe of Fire Resistance and a Quarterstaff +1 on his corpse.

In the large container next to Mekrath, you’ll find a Rod of Resurrection and a Wand of Cloudkill.


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I love RPGs, MMOs, and weird little indie games. Anything that lets me build and decorate or just has a really good story. I've spent hundreds of hours in Bethesda games and even more time modding them. I also play a lot of World of Warcraft.

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