Abandoned Amphitheater – Baldur’s Gate II

This guide will walk you through the Abandoned Amphitheater in Baldur’s Gate II. This area’s code in the game files is OH4000. It was added in the game’s Enhanced Edition.

baldurs gate 2 map abandoned amphitheater
Map of the Abandoned Amphitheater


Note: This area will only become available during Rasaad’s companion quest.

1 – Bears

At this spot, you’ll encounter a brown bear, two grizzly bears, and a mountain bear. If you kill them, then you’ll earn about 3000 xp. If you don’t, then they’ll ravage the local pheasant and squirrel population.

2 – Geld Quickblade

Geld (#2) will try to sell you a safe route through the “hostile woods” around you. He’ll want 5000 gp for this information, but you can negotiate that price down to 2500 gp. You’ll have two options:

  • If you pay Geld, then he’ll tell you to take the path on the right when you reach the fork in the road ahead, but it won’t make any difference as there won’t be any dangers to avoid.
  • If you don’t pay Geld, then you’ll have to deal with four poison dart traps on the left path (#2a) and an ambush from Geld and a pack of dire wolves later on (#2b). You’ll earn 5100 xp for defeating the ambush, and you’ll find some +1 equipment, some potions, and the pamphlet “Cutthroats: A Gentleman’s Guide to Hold-Ups and Robberies” on Geld’s corpse.

You can also kill Geld right after you refuse to pay him. You’ll only earn 3000 xp for this, but you’ll get all of Geld’s potions (he won’t drink any while exiting the encounter), and you’ll avoid the traps and ambush.

3 – Dangerous Moose

Around here, you’ll encounter two dangerous moose. You’ll earn 1950 xp for defeating them.

4 – Amphitheater

Inside this amphitheater, you’ll meet Fenuku, Hammerhelm, Kelner, and several heretic monks. Your meeting with them can go one of three ways:

  • You can pretend to be a heretic yourself. This will allow you to talk to the monks and learn a few things about the Twofold Truth, including the location of the Twofold Temple.
  • You can encourage Rasaad to speak up and then either incite the Sun Soul and Dark Moon monks to fight each other, or turn them against Hammerhelm. If Hammerhelm survives this brouhaha, then he’ll drop a Note before departing. Otherwise, you’ll find the Note on his corpse. The Note will tell you where to find the Twofold Temple.
  • You can simply attack all of the monks. This will earn you 37,000 xp, and you’ll find a Note on Hammerhelm’s corpse. The Note will tell you where to find the Twofold Temple.

That is, regardless of your choice, you’ll learn the location of the Twofold Temple. This will earn each character in your party 3000 xp.

5 – Vagrant Blades

In the camp here, you’ll meet the Vagrant Blades: Aldun Forgecaster (illusionist), Cless Ironeye (thief), Dalton (ranger), Jaden (werewolf cleric), and Hojar Bootcut (barbarian). When you arrive, they’ll be arguing about who should receive the magical belt they just found in the nearby — but now utterly destroyed — temple. There are no less than six ways this encounter can go:

  • You can ignore the problem. The Blades will leave, and nothing will happen.
  • You can offer to help and award the belt to Aldun. Jaden will attack you, and the rest of the Blades will leave. You’ll earn 3000 xp for defeating Jaden, and you’ll find a Lupine Sling +2 and more on her corpse.
  • You can offer to help and award the belt to Dalton. Hojar will attack you, and the rest of the Blades will leave. You’ll earn 2000 xp for defeating Hojar, and you’ll find Hojar’s Fame +1 and more on his corpse.
  • You can offer to help and award the belt to Hojar. Dalton will attack you, and the rest of the Blades will leave. You’ll earn 2000 xp for defeating Dalton, and you’ll find a Ring of Duplication and more on his corpse.
  • You can offer to help and award the belt to Jaden. Aldun will attack you, and the rest of the Blades will leave. You’ll earn 5000 xp for defeating Aldun, and you’ll find an Ox-Tail Belt and more on his corpse.
  • You can offer to help and award the belt to yourself, or threaten the Blades. All of the Blades will attack you. You’ll earn 15,000 xp for defeating them, and you’ll find a Belt of Minor Invulnerability, a Brooch of the Vagrant Blades, Hojar’s Fame +1, a Lupine Sling +2, an Ox-Tail Belt, a Ring of Duplication, and more on their corpses.
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I love RPGs, MMOs, and weird little indie games. Anything that lets me build and decorate or just has a really good story. I've spent hundreds of hours in Bethesda games and even more time modding them. I also play a lot of World of Warcraft.

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