White Dragon Scale

baldurs gate ii equipment ichan20

Armor – Splint Mail
15 Lore Req: 0
Value: 11500
Armor Class: -2 (-3 vs. piercing and missile, -4 vs. crushing)
Charged Abilities:
    • Cone of Cold (3 times per day)
        – Damage: 10d4+10 cold (Save vs. Spell for half)
        – Range: 8 ft.
        – Area of Effect: 18-ft. cone with 90-deg. arc
Equipped Abilities:
    • Cold Resistance: +50%
Requires: 8 Strength

Source Version: Throne of Bhaal
Internal Code: CHAN20

How to Obtain:
    • Pocket Plane – Forged for you by Cespenar the Imp for White Dragon Scale and 5000 GP

Full Description:
Not surprisingly, this armor created from the scales of a young ice dragon provides the wearer with protection from cold and ice.

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