Wand of Fire

baldurs gate ii equipment iwand05

Miscellaneous – Wand
1 Lore Req: 50
Value: 8500
Charged Abilities:
    • Fireball (50 charges)
        – Damage: 6d6 fire (Save vs. Wand for half)
        – Range: 90 ft.
        – Area of Effect: 15-ft. radius
    • Agannazar’s Scorcher (50 charges)
        – Damage: 6d6+6 fire (Save vs. Wand for half)
        – Range: 90 ft.
        – Area of Effect: 1 creature
Requires: 9 Intelligence

Internal Code: WAND05

Full Description:
The wand will cough forth a huge, burning ball of fire that streaks out to the desired range (to a maximum of 90 ft.) and bursts in a fiery, violent blast, just like the Fireball spell. The Fireball inflicts 6d6 points of damage, but all 1s rolled are counted as 2s. The victim(s) may make a Save vs. Wand in order to take only half damage. The second ability of the wand is akin to the spell Agannazar’s Scorcher in that a column of flame will streak towards the victim inflicting 6d6+6 damage, with a Save vs. Wand for half.

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