Wand of Cloudkill

baldurs gate ii equipment iwand13

Miscellaneous – Wand
1 Lore Req: 50
Value: 9000
Charged Abilities:
    • Cloudkill (50 charges)
        – Damage: 1d10 poison per round
        – Special: Slays creatures with 1-4 HD; creatures with 5-6 HD must save vs. Poison or die
        – Range: 60 ft.
        – Area of Effect: 15-ft. radius
        – Duration: 1d4 turns
Requires: 9 Intelligence

Internal Code: WAND13

How to Obtain:
    • Temple District Sewers (Mekrath’s Lair) – Found in room with Mekrath
    • City Gates (Crooked Crane) – Loot from lich in secret room
    • Various other locations throughout Faerun

Full Description:
This wand emits a vapor bubble that travels toward the target, exploding into a deadly cloud of noxious gas that expands to fill an area roughly 15 ft. in radius. The cloud will instantly kill any creature with 4 HD or less with no Saving Throw. Any creature within 5 to 6 HD must make a Saving Throw or be slain. Creatures with greater than 6 HD simply take 1d10 damage for every round that they remain within the cloud. The cloud will dissipate after 1d4 turns.

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