Valygar Corthala

baldurs gate ii companion valygar


Gender / Race: Male Human
Alignment: Neutral Good
Class: Ranger (Stalker)
Racial Enemy: Golem
Romanceable By: N/A
Starting Location: Umar Hills
Attributes: STR 17, DEX 18, CON 16, INT 10, WIS 14, CHA 10

Skills (Level 8):
    • Move Silently 102
    • Hide in Shadows 97

    • Charm Animal

Proficiencies (Level 8):
    • Katana ++
    • Longbow ++
    • Spear ++
    • Two-Weapon Style ++

Starting Equipment:
    • Corthala Family Blade
    • Dagger
    • Spear
    • Longbow
    • Corthala Family Armor

How to Recruit:
To recruit Valygar, you’ll need to accept Tolgerias’ quest in the Council of Six building in the Government District, and then meet with Valygar in his cabin in Umar Hills.

When asked about his past, Valygar is silent for a long time and his face becomes grim. He explains briefly that he is the last of the Corthala noble line, a family that was once one of the wealthiest in Amn. The Corthalas have always been cursed with magical ability, however, and Valygar spits the words with great derision. Every Corthala who has used their magical talents has become obsessed with them and ultimately come to a grievous end. His mother was the most recent victim, although the ranger does not elaborate on the point. Valygar intends to fulfill his family’s oath to find and destroy their ancestor, Lavok, and then he intends to let his cursed bloodline die out once and for all.

Ending Storyline:
Valygar continued adventuring for several years after the Bhaalspawn saga, traveling among the wilds and becoming a common sight near Waterdeep. In time, he would retire to Athkatla, content to assume a contemplative life on his family estate, but admirers among the nobility would not let him rest. He was pressured into assuming the title of Chief Inspector, a responsibility he didn’t want, but corruption within the city soon gained his ire. Surprising even himself, Valygar became an effective leader, and it was this term in office that truly restored the Corthala family name. Valygar eventually married, and his only son, the pride of his life, took the lessons of the father to heart. He would go on to lead the Cowled Wizards, becoming its greatest agent of reform.

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