Turn Undead

baldurs gate ii ability turnundead

Class Ability

Available To: Cleric, Paladin (not Inquisitor)
Summary: Frighten or destroy undead creatures if you’re good. Take control of them if you’re evil.

Full Description:
One important, and potentially life-saving, combat abiility available to priests and paladins is the ability to turn undead. Druids cannot turn undead. Through the priest or paladin, the deity manifests a portion of its power, terrifying evil, undead creatures or blasting them right out of existence. However, since the power must be channeled through a mortal vessel, success is not always assured.

This ability is a mode selection for that character—nothing else can be attempted while is attempting to turn undead. Good priests and paladins can turn undead so they lose morale and run away or (less often) destroy them ouright. Evil priests can sometimes gain control of undead, who can then perform actions for the priest. Paladins turn undead as a priest two levels lower.

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