Tunic of Blindeye

baldurs gate ii equipment ohnirob3

Armor – Robe
3 Lore Req: 50
Value: 7500
Charged Abilities:
    • Wildzone (once per day)
        – All spells cast within a 15-ft. radius are treated as wild surges (Save vs. Spell negates)
        – Duration: 1 turn
Equipped Abilities:
    • Movement rate increased by 2 (base is 10)
    • Magic Damage Resistance: +25%

Source Version: Enhanced Edition
Internal Code: ohnrobe3

How to Obtain:
    • Red Wizard Enclave – Sold by Gul Dukeem

Full Description:
Wild mage Nareth Blindeye was a wealthy scholar in the city of Baldur’s Gate. Hearing rumors from across the country of Thayan Red Wizards abducting wild mages, Nareth concluded it would be best to face his enemies on his own terms. Before fleeing the city, he infused his travel clothes with strong wild magic. Though it would affect everyone in a given combat, he was more experienced controlling wild surges than his enemies. While effective, the tunic did not save Nareth from capture by the Order of Eight Staves. His current whereabouts are unknown.

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