T’rachie’s Plate +5

baldurs gate ii equipment iplat17

Armor – Plate Mail
35 Lore Req: 85
Value: 8500
Armor Class: -2 (-5 vs. slashing)
Equipped Abilities:
    • Constitution: -2
    • Charisma: -5
    • May only be removed with a Remove Curse spell
Requires: 12 Strength

Internal Code: PLAT17

How to Obtain:
    • Waukeen’s Promenade (Adventurer’s Mart) – Sold by Ribald Barterman (Chapter 6 secret stock)

Full Description:
In his aging years, Baron T’rachie coveted the wife of the lowly foot soldier Libol. Instead of openly pursuing her and causing a scandal, he instead created this suit of armor. He gifted it to the soldier. This armor’s curse sickened Libol and hideously disfigured him, and his wife fled from him in disgust. Libol, trapped in the armor but not certain of T’rachie’s treachery, asked to be sent to the wastes for a dangerous tour of duty against marauding ogres. He never returned, and Baron T’rachie was free to pursue Libol’s widow. This armor is cursed and requires powerful magic to remove.

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