The Visage

baldurs gate ii equipment ohdimask

Armor – Helmet
1 Lore Req: 0
Value: 0
Charged Abilities:
    • Domination (once per day)
        – Duration: 8 rounds
        – Save vs. Spell at -2 negates
    • Breathe Acid (once per day)
        – Damage: 6d6 acid (Save vs. Breath for half)
        – Target must save vs. Death at -4 or fall unconscious for 2 rounds
Equipped Abilities:
    • THAC0: +1
    • Saving Throws: +1
    • Immunity to feeblemind, confusion, fear, and charm
    • Protects against critical hits
Requires: Non-Good alignment

Source Version: Enhanced Edition
Internal Code: ohdmask

How to Obtain:
    • Resurrection Gorge – Reward from Ur-Gothoz for killing Azothet

Full Description:
Few would dare double-cross a fiend, and fewer still would attempt to triple-cross one. Dorn Il-Khan, half-orc blackguard from the city of Luskan, was one of the few. Approached by a rival of his demonic patron, he agreed to betray his master. Instead, at a critical juncture, he turned the situation on the rival, binding her into a powerful sword. As a reward, his patron granted him this terrifying mask. The silver mask has a grotesque face distorted into a grimace. When donned, the eyes pulse with a deep red when the wearer speaks, adding to its unsettling presence. It hums with a variety of magical enchantments, inspiring fear in all who gaze upon it.

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