The Horn of Kazgaroth

baldurs gate ii equipment imisc73

Miscellaneous – Instrument
1 Lore Req: 0
Value: 9000
Charged Abilities:
    • Unique Effect (30 charges)
        – Immunity to 1st- and 2nd-level spells
        – Armor Class: +5 vs. missile attacks
        – Save vs. Death: +2
        – Save vs. Wand: +2
        – Save vs. Polymorph: +2
        – Save vs. Breath: +2
        – Save vs. Spell: +2
        – Damage done to user: Unknown

Internal Code: MISC73

How to Obtain:
    • Irenicus’ Dungeon (Level 1) – Found in master’s bedroom (if imported)

Full Description:
This horn is thought to be made from one of the tusks of the great beast Kazgaroth. Who imbued it with enchantments is unknown, but it is a very potent item. When blown upon, no sound issues from the horn. Instead the user of the horn is encased in a globe of power for a short duration. The bubble gives the user partial Magic Resistance and a Saving Throw bonus, as well as partially deflecting incoming missile attacks. The effect only lasts 3 rounds, and the horn draws from the life force of the user every time it is used.

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