The Equalizer

baldurs gate ii equipment isw1h54

One-Handed Weapon – Long Sword
3 Lore Req: 0
Value: 15000
Damage: 1d8 vs. True Neutral, 1d8+2 vs. Chaotic Neutral and Lawful Neutral, 1d8+4 vs. Neutral Good and Neutral Evil, 1d8+6 vs. other alignments
Damage Type: Slashing
THAC0: +0 vs. True Neutral, +1 vs. Chaotic Neutral and Lawful Neutral, +2 vs. Neutral Good and Neutral Evil, +3 vs. other alignments
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency: Long Sword
Combat Abilities:
    • Strikes as a +3 weapon
Equipped Abilities:
    • Immunity to charm and confusion
Requires: 6 Strength

Internal Code: SW1H54

How to Obtain:
    • Docks District (Cromwell’s House) – Forged for you by Cromwell for Blade, Hilt, Pommel, and 7500 GP

Full Description:
Such is the age of this sword that its true origin has been lost to time, but markings hint that it was possibly forged in the service of Helm. Also called the “Sword of Neutrality,” it seems designed to seek and terminate extremes, to shift the universe closer to harmonious equilibrium. The further the behavior of a target from true balance, the more potent the damage they suffer.

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