Summon Insects

baldurs gate ii ability sppr319c

Priest Spell

Available To: Druid, Ranger, Shaman
Level: 3
School: Conjuration / Summoning
Sphere: Animal
Range: 90 ft.
Duration: 7 rounds
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Neg.
Summary: Send insects at an enemy, damaging them and harassing them, and reducing their chance to cast spells by 50%.

Internal Code: SPPR319

Full Description:
The Summon Insects spell attracts a cloud or swarm of normal insects to attack one enemy of the caster. This swarm gathers at a point chosen by the caster within the spell’s range and attacks any single creature the caster points to. The victim may make a Saving Throw vs. Breath Weapon with a -4 penalty to escape the swarm; otherwise, the victim receives 1 point of damage every 2 seconds for the duration of the spell. Moreover, the victim fights with a -2 penalty to attack roll and a -2 penalty to Armor Class. The swarm will repeatedly bite the target, making it very difficult to cast spells (50% chance of spell failure).

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