Stiletto of Demarchess +2

baldurs gate ii equipment idagg17

One-Handed Weapon – Dagger
1 Lore Req: 50
Value: 2000
Damage: 1d4+2
Damage Type: Piercing
THAC0: +2
Speed Factor: 0
Proficiency: Dagger
Combat Abilities:
    • 20% chance per hit that the target must save vs. Death or be held for 2 rounds
Requires: 3 Strength

Internal Code: DAGG17

How to Obtain:
    • Planar Sphere (Level 1) – Loot from Necre, halfling necromancer

Full Description:
Most who take up the trade of murder for hire do so for reasons other than personal pleasure, but not so the Lady Demarche. She took special pleasure in the torture of her targets… which is why she made this dagger. With but one touch of its polished blade, an opponent was rendered immobile, incapable of so much as screaming, yet the victim could watch and feel all that happened to them. While her opponent was thus held, the Lady would slowly bleed them, sometimes taking several hours before allowing her subject to succumb to the final agony of death. The Lady finally fell victim to her own evil; disarmed by a rival and struck by her own stiletto, her fate was soon sealed.

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