Staff of Power

baldurs gate ii equipment istaf12

Two-Handed Weapon – Quarterstaff
3 Lore Req: 75
Value: 2500
Damage: 1d6+2
Damage Type: Crushing
THAC0: +2
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency: Quarterstaff
Charged Abilities:
    • Globe of Invulnerability (10 charges)
        – Special: Immunity to 1st- through 4th-level spellsbull; Lightning Bolt of Paralyzation
        – Duration: 1 round/level
        – Area of Effect: The user
    • Lightning Bolt of Paralyzation (10 charges)
        – Damage: 10d6 electrical to all in its path (Save vs. Spell for half)
        – Special: Stuns target for 5 rounds
        – Range: 100 ft.
Equipped Abilities:
    • Armor Class: +2
    • Saving Throws: +2
Requires: Mage class, 5 Strength

Internal Code: STAF12

How to Obtain:
    • Planar Sphere – Created by apprentices during Mage Stronghold quest

Full Description:
A mage’s staff is far more than just a gilded walking stick, most being enchanted to an impressive degree. This one is no exception, and whoever the previous owner was, they were powerful indeed. It enables a mage to better escape hostile magic and avoid physical blows, and can erect a Globe of Invulnerability (one charge). Offensively it can be used in melee very well, and cast a Lightning Bolt (one charge).

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