Staff of Fire +2

baldurs gate ii equipment istaf17

Two-Handed Weapon – Quarterstaff
3 Lore Req: 35
Value: 2500
Damage: 1d6+2
Damage Type: Crushing
THAC0: +2
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency: Quarterstaff
Charged Abilities:
    • Summon 8-HD Lesser Fire Elemental (30 charges)
        – Range: 20 ft.
        – Duration: 1 hour
    • Fireshield (Red) (30 charges)
        – Special: Any who strike the user within a 5-ft. radius suffers 1d8+2 fire damage
        – Fire Resistance: +50%
        – Duration: 13 rounds
        – Area of Effect: The user
Combat Abilities:
    • Struck fire elementals must save vs. Spell or be destroyed
Requires: 5 Strength

Internal Code: STAF17

How to Obtain:
    • Planar Sphere (Level 2) – Found in fire room

Full Description:
This staff bears an ancient rune that may link it to the wizards of faraway Halruaa, but it is impossible to be certain. Drawing from the Plane of Fire, it can erupt in a Fire Shield that damages attackers, it can summon a fire elemental under the control of the wielder, and it can potentially draw all the energy from any fire elemental that it hits, destroying them instantly. Some abilities are limited with charges however.

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