Spirit Armor

baldurs gate ii equipment iscrl5k

Consumable – Spell Scroll
0 Lore Req: 0
Value: 500
School: Necromancy
Level: 4
Range: Touch
Duration: 2 hours
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Special
Spell Summary: Give yourself magical, weightless armor with AC 1.

Internal Code: SCRL5K

Full Description:
This spell is very similar to the 3rd-level spell Ghost Armor in that it creates a corporeal barrier around the target’s body for the duration of the spell. This spell, however, actually taps in to the target’s life force in order to create the barrier. The armor itself is weightless and does not hinder movement or spellcasting at all.

The spirit armor does not work cumulatively with any other armor; however, Dexterity bonuses still apply as well as magic rings and shields. While in effect, the Armor Class of the recipient will be set to 1, as if he were wearing full plate. Also, due to the magical nature of the spell, he will also receive a +3 bonus to Save vs. Spell.

There is a danger, however, as when the spell runs out, the external portion of the spirit is temporarily lost, inflicting 2d4 points of damage upon the target unless the creature makes a Saving Throw vs. Spell.

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