
baldurs gate ii ability spwi903c

Wizard Spell

Available To: Mage, Sorcerer
Level: 9
School: Abjuration
Range: 80 ft.
Duration: Instant
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
Summary: Dispel all magical protections on an enemy.

Internal Code: SPWI903

Full Description:
When this spell is cast at a target creature, it will dispel all of the magical protections that surround that creature. This includes Minor Spell Turning, Minor Globe of Invulnerability, Spell Immunity, Globe Of Invulnerability, Minor Spell Deflection, Spell Turning, Spell Shield, Spell Deflection, and Spell Trap. The target’s Magic Resistance, if any, does not affect this spell.

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