Spell Turning

baldurs gate ii equipment spwi701a

Consumable – Spell Scroll
0 Lore Req: 0
Value: 3000
School: Abjuration
Level: 7
Range: 0
Duration: 3 rounds / level
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None
Spell Summary: Reflect 12 levels of spells back at their casters.

Internal Code: SCRL8D

Full Description:
This powerful Abjuration spell causes the spells cast against the wizard to rebound upon the original caster. This affects a total of 12 spell levels—including spells cast from scrolls and innate spell-like abilities—but excludes the following: area effects that are not centered directly upon the wizard, as well as area effects that are stationary, such as Cloudkill and Stinking Cloud. As long as the spell is cast directly at the wizard, it will be reflected back upon the caster as long as there are levels remaining. For example, if there is only 1 level left and a 3rd-level spell is cast at the wizard, the spell will be reflected while canceling the Spell Turning. This spell will not protect the caster from Dispel Magic, but it will not be dispelled by Dispel Magic either.

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