Spectral Brand +5

baldurs gate ii equipment isw1h69

One-Handed Weapon – Scimitar
2 Lore Req: 0
Value: 11550
Damage: 1d8+5, +1d6 cold damage
Damage Type: Slashing
THAC0: +5
Speed Factor: 0
Proficiency: Scimitar/Wakizashi/Ninjato
Charged Abilities:
    • Summon Spectral Blade (once per day)
        – This dancing sword fights on behalf of the one who wields Spectral Brand, attacking once per round and doing 1d8+3 slashing damage with each hit.
        – Duration: 4 rounds
    • Armor Piercing Strike (once per day)
        – Special: +10 THAC0 bonus
        – Duration: 3 rounds
Equipped Abilities:
    • Negative Plane Protection
Requires: 8 Strength

Internal Code: SW1H69

How to Obtain:
    • Pocket Plane – Forged for you by Cespenar the Imp for Spectral Brand +4, Skull of the Lich, and 5000 GP

Full Description:
Drawing on the necromancy of the Skull of the Lich, Spectral Brand is now an instrument of unholy death that should never have been unleashed upon the realms.

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