Skin of the Ghoul +4

baldurs gate ii equipment ileat13

Armor – Leather Armor
4 Lore Req: 80
Value: 7000
Armor Class: 4 (6 vs. piercing and missile)
Equipped Abilities:
    • Save vs. Death: +3
Requires: 3 Strength

Internal Code: LEAT13

How to Obtain:
    • Temple District Sewers (Ghoul Town) – Loot from Theshal

Full Description:
A clever thief, Damien Oneknife always tried to gain from the assets of his enemies, no matter the circumstances. After an intense battle with several ghouls in which two of his companions perished, Damien decided to even the odds in future encounters. He skinned one of the undead creatures and brought the hide to a halfling armorer talented in enchanting leather. When the suit was finished, it was magically protective against physical attacks and paralysis. Not very epic perhaps, but practical.

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