Silver Dragon Scale

baldurs gate ii equipment iplat23

Armor – Scale Armor
15 Lore Req: 0
Value: 12500
Armor Class: -2 (-5 vs. slashing, -3 vs. piercing and missile)
Combat Abilities:
    • Heals wearer 2 Hit Points each time damage is taken
Equipped Abilities:
    • Charisma: -2
    • Magic Resistance: +15%
    • Movement rate increased by 3
Requires: 8 Strength, Non-Good alignment

Source Version: Enhanced Edition
Internal Code: ohdarmor

How to Obtain:
    • Pocket Plane – Crafted by Cespenar the imp for Silver Dragon Scales and 5000 gp

Full Description:
This armor, forged from the scales of a silver dragon, is a dead giveaway of wrongdoing on the part of the wearer. While the protection it offers is impressive, one cannot ignore the fact that a creature of incredible grace and beauty had to be destroyed in order for this armor to be made.

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