Shuruppak’s Plate

baldurs gate ii equipment iplat22

Armor – Full Plate Mail
15 Lore Req: 85
Value: 17500
Armor Class: -2 (-6 vs. slashing, -5 vs. piercing and missile)
Equipped Abilities:
    • Dexterity: +1
    • Fire Resistance: +20%
Requires: 12 Strength

Source Version: Throne of Bhaal
Internal Code: PLAT22

How to Obtain:
    • Siege Camp – Loot from Yaga-Shura

Full Description:
Shuruppak, the infamous right hand of the now dead god Gilgeam, earned the title of “Reaper” for his savage butchery of any who opposed him… an identity the bloodthirsty madman eagerly embraced. Before Gilgeam’s destruction, the god presented Shuruppak with an enchanted suit of armor, to better enable the Reaper to slaughter his foes.

Shuruppak’s plate is surprisingly light and grants the wearer an unnatural quickness and grace. It is not known how Shuruppak lost this treasured item, but one could safely assume he is still looking for it…

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