Shield of the Falling Stars +1

baldurs gate ii equipment ishld07

Armor – Large Shield
12 Lore Req: 70
Value: 3500
Equipped Abilities:
    • Armor Class: +2, an extra +4 vs. missile attacks
Requires: 15 Strength

Internal Code: shld07A

How to Obtain:
    • Planar Sphere (Level 2) – Found in fire room

Full Description:
Ilmater himself enchanted this shield upon seeing a young squire’s willingness to endure untold agony for the well-being of his mount. During a fierce battle between a human cavalry division and a hobgoblin horde, the young man was sent for reinforcements. He was beset by a cascade of arrows that nearly blocked out the sun, and he knew that even if he avoided the arrows himself, should his horse fall he would surely be doomed. With his shield and body, he positioned himself to take the brunt of the onslaught and was mortally wounded for it. His horse remained unscathed, allowing for their escape, and his body was carried back to the nearest town, where he was resurrected from death.

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