Shield of Fyrus Khal +2

baldurs gate ii equipment ohnish1

Armor – Medium Shield
7 Lore Req: 50
Value: 5000
Charged Abilities:
    • Spell Turning (once per day)
        – Special: Reflects 12 levels’ worth of spells targeted at the user
        – Duration: 45 rounds
Equipped Abilities:
    • Armor Class: +3
    • Fire Resistance: +10%
    • Cold Resistance: +10%
    • Acid Resistance: +10%
    • Electrical Resistance: +10%
    • Aura of Magical Protection: All allies within 10 ft. receive +5% Magical Resistance
Requires: 12 Strength

Source Version: Enhanced Edition
Internal Code: ohnshld1

How to Obtain:
    • Hidden Refuge – Posible reward from Amanis Khal for completing her quest

Full Description:
Fyrus Khal and his wife Amanis were well-known entertainers across Calimshan. They would travel from city to city, festival to festival, performing feats of magic and acrobatic skill. As part of their act, Fyrus would enter into a mock argument with his wife, who would hurl spells at him in a staged fit of rage. His shield, painted with a colorful and intricate design, would bounce the harmless spells back at her to the delight of the crowd.

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