Ring of Protection +2: The Guard’s Ring

baldurs gate ii equipment iring07

Jewelry – Ring
0 Lore Req: 70
Value: 7000
Equipped Abilities:
    • Armor Class: +2
    • Saving Throws: +2

Internal Code: RING07

How to Obtain:
    • Shadow Thief Guildhall (Level 3) – Reward or loot from Aran Linvail
    • Druid Grove (Druid Stronghold) – Reward for becoming Great Druid
    • Hell – Loot from dragon in Test of Pride, if you choose evil solution

Full Description:
The Guard was an immortal sentry assigned to protect a tomb that sheltered the body of a princess of the Akanal. Over millennia, respect for the grave disappeared with the memory of the royal family, and adventurers began to try their luck with the Guard. It was inevitable that he would eventually be bested, and when he was, the ring he wore was one of many treasures taken from the tomb.

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