Ring of Fire Control

baldurs gate ii equipment iring27

Jewelry – Ring
0 Lore Req: 55
Value: 3000
Charged Abilities:
    • Charm Fire Elemental (once per day)
        – Range: Touch
        – Duration: 45 seconds
        – Area of Effect: 1 fire elemental
        – Save vs. Spell at +2 negates
    • Burning Hands (once per day)
        – Damage: 1d3+2 fire
        – Range: 5 ft.
        – Area of Effect: 1 creature
    • Flame Strike (once per day)
        – Damage: 6d8 fire
        – Range: Visual range of the user
        – Area of Effect: 1 creature
        – Save vs. Spell for half
Equipped Abilities:
    • Fire Resistance: +50%

Internal Code: RING27

How to Obtain:
    • Underdark (Mind Flayer Tunnels) – Found on Insane Dwarf Warrior

Full Description:
This burnished red ring is engraved with depictions of flames and lava coils. Mages and other planar travelers use these rings to protect themselves while visiting the Elemental Plane of Fire and to command fire elementals to do their bidding.

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