Ring of Duplication

baldurs gate ii equipment ohrirng1

Jewelry – Ring
0 Lore Req: 45
Value: 4000
Charged Abilities:
    • Mirror Image (3 times per day)
        – Duration: 18 rounds
Equipped Abilities:
    • Armor Class: +1 vs. missile attacks
    • Hide In Shadows: +10%

Source Version: Enhanced Edition
Internal Code: ohrring1

How to Obtain:
    • Abandoned Amphitheater – Loot from Dalton

Full Description:
Daravorn Kheld was gifted with great talents in the field of thievery and felt that it would be a disservice to the world if he were to perish, and so he commissioned the creation of this ring. Merely putting the ring on causes the outline of the wearer to become shifting and wavering, making it more difficult to spot him from a distance and target him with missile weapons. When activated, several exact duplicates of the ring wearer spring up from nowhere. These images do exactly what the original does, making it impossible for opponents to be certain which are the illusions. The effect is fleeting, however, and is best used to escape an unruly situation. Daravorn successfully escaped many potential dangers using this ring, but was eventually captured and drowned within an enclosed water trap.

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