Necklace of Form Stability

baldurs gate ii equipment iamul24

Jewelry – Amulet
3 Lore Req: 50
Value: 1800
Equipped Abilities:
    • Save vs. Polymorph: +5

Internal Code: AMUL24

How to Obtain:
    • Temple District Sewers (Mekrath’s Lair) – Found in locked and trapped chest

Full Description:
Dydaar’a of the Altered was a witch of great temper who rewarded the slightest insult with harsh punishment. Often this meant several weeks transformed into some form of wild beast, which of course earned her many enemies. It is recorded that she once fought a Mage named Maxell who had previously suffered such a fate. For his return he had prepared this necklace, designed to prevent her changing his form, but he could not shield those around him as well. Apparently an impromptu army of farmers-turned-bears eventually overwhelmed him.

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