Mordenkainen’s Sword

baldurs gate ii ability spwi716c

Wizard Spell

Available To: Mage, Sorcerer
Level: 7
School: Evocation
Range: 0
Duration: 1 round / level
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Summary: Summon an enchanted sword to do your bidding.

Internal Code: SPWI716

Full Description:
Upon casting this spell, the wizard brings into being a shimmering, sword-like plane of force that leaps into the wizard’s hands. The sword acts as a +4 weapon in all respects and deals 5d4 points of damage upon hitting a target. Once the spell is cast, the sword will float in the air completely under the caster’s control. This does not prevent the caster from doing any other actions during the spell’s duration.

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