
baldurs gate ii equipment spwi607a

Consumable – Spell Scroll
0 Lore Req: 0
Value: 2000
School: Illusion / Phantasm
Level: 6
Range: 0
Duration: 1 round / level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Spell Summary: Make yourself invisibile, teleport away, and create a decoy of yourself where you were standing.

Internal Code: SCRL7K

Full Description:
When this spell is cast, the wizard is affected by an Improved Invisibility spell and is teleported a few feet away from his original position. Meanwhile, an exact image of the caster is created where he used to be, with exactly the same Hit Points as the caster. The image cannot perform any actions at all, such as attacking or casting spells. It can, however, move around and act as a decoy for the invisible wizard. The image will remain under control of the caster until reduced to 0 Hit Points, or until affected by a Dispel Magic or a spell that reveals illusions, such as True Sight.

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