Melodic Chain +3

baldurs gate ii equipment ichan15

Armor – Elven Chain Mail
12 Lore Req: 85
Value: 10000
Armor Class: 2 (0 vs. slashing, 4 vs. crushing)
Equipped Abilities:
    • Open Locks: -5%
    • Find Traps: -5%
    • Pick Pockets: -20%
    • Move Silently: -10%
    • Spellcasting is not disabled
Requires: Bard class, 5 Strength

Internal Code: CHAN15

How to Obtain:
    • Planar Prison – Loot from Aawill in first room

Full Description:
The Bards of Melody were a small band of half-elf bardic warriors who entertained and defended scattered elven communities throughout Calimshan. Enchantments allowed only minstrels to wear their armor, the magical links sliding together to produce beautiful melodies as they danced or fought. Unfortunately, the Bards of Melody were disbanded hundreds of years ago, and the secret of “playing” the armor faded with them.

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