Large Shield +1

baldurs gate ii equipment ishld06

Armor – Large Shield
12 Lore Req: 40
Value: 2000
Equipped Abilities:
    • Armor Class: +2, an extra +1 vs. missile attacks
Requires: 15 Strength

Internal Code: shld06A

How to Obtain:
    • Waukeen’s Promenade (Adventurer’s Mart) – Sold by Ribald Barterman
    • Waukeen’s Promenade (Enge’s Shop) – Sold by Enge
    • Various other locations throughout Faerun

Full Description:
The body shield, also known as the kite or tower shield, is a massive metal or wooden shield reaching nearly from the chin to the toe of the user. It must be firmly fastened to the forearm, and the shield hand must firmly grip it at all times. Naturally, this precludes use of the shield hand for anything but holding the body shield in place.

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