Jester’s Chain +4

baldurs gate ii equipment ichan10

Armor – Chain Mail
8 Lore Req: 80
Value: 7000
Armor Class: 1 (-1 vs. slashing, 3 vs. crushing)
Requires: 8 Strength

Internal Code: CHAN10

How to Obtain:
    • Spellhold Dungeon (Level 3) – Reward for placing 20 mithral tokens into token machine

Full Description:
Friends of Dekirh Fasthands, a bard who insisted on playing the rowdiest towns on the Sword Coast, gave him this suit of magical chain as a gift. The chain mail was given to protect Dekirh from the drunken spectators who often threw rotting produce, chairs, and even knives at Dekirh. The bard appreciated the gift but painted it with wild colors to better fit into his show.

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