
baldurs gate ii ability spwi910c

Wizard Spell

Available To: Mage, Sorcerer
Level: 9
School: Abjuration
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
Summary: Send the target to a subterranean prison, where they’ll be forced to stay until a Freedom spell is cast.

Internal Code: SPWI910

Full Description:
When the Imprisonment spell is cast and the victim is touched, the recipient is entombed in a state of suspended animation in a small sphere far beneath the surface of the earth. The victim remains there unless a reverse of the spell—Freedom—is cast. Otherwise, the victim will remain there as long as the earth exists; rather a horrible fate, actually. If a Freedom spell is cast in the area where the creature was imprisoned, then will reappear exactly where was last standing. Dispel Magic will not free creatures trapped in this manner. There is no Saving Throw.

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