Helm of the Rock (Upgraded)

baldurs gate ii equipment ihelm32

Armor – Helmet
2 Lore Req: 0
Value: 13400
Charged Abilities:
    • Aura of Command (3 times per day)
        – Special: Target flees in terror
        – Range: 40 ft.
        – Duration: 5 rounds
        – Area of Effect: 1 creature
        – Save vs. Spell at -2 negates
Equipped Abilities:
    • Protects against critical hits
    • Cold Resistance: +25%
    • Fire Resistance: +25%
    • Acid Resistance: +25%
    • Electrical Resistance: +25%
    • Poison Resistance: +25%

Source Version: Throne of Bhaal
Internal Code: HELM32

How to Obtain:
    • Pocket Plane – Forged for you by Cespenar the Imp for basic Helm of the Rock, two Horns, and 5000 GP

Full Description:
With the addition of the horns, the Helm of the Rock is even more powerful. Generals and military leaders can command both fear and respect simply by wearing this helm.

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