Heartseeker +3

baldurs gate ii equipment ibow10

Two-Handed Weapon – Composite Longbow
7 Lore Req: 65
Value: 7800
Damage: +2
Damage Type: Missile
THAC0: +4
Speed Factor: 4
Weapon Range: 100
Proficiency: Longbow
Charged Abilities:
    • Aim (once per day)
        – Wearer receives +7 to hit
        – Duration: 9 seconds
Requires: 18 Strength

Internal Code: BOW10

How to Obtain:
    • Windspear Hills Dungeon (Level 2) – Found in niche of cave wall behind Adamantite Golem
    • Waukeen’s Promenade (Adventurer’s Mart) – Sold by Ribald Barterman (Chapter 6 secret stock)

Full Description:
Legends say that craftsman Pinn O’Reffen fashioned this bow from the heart of a treant, though how he came to possess such material is unknown. He certainly did not anticipate the enchantment within, magic that makes the archer’s aim almost infallible for a short period every day. Pinn claimed his skill was responsible, but it is more likely that some aspect of the soul of the treant is still within the wood. This bow requires a Strength of 18 to use.

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