Heart of the Mountain

baldurs gate ii equipment ibdamu26

Jewelry – Amulet
0 Lore Req: 80
Value: 4000
Equipped Abilities:
    • Armor Class: +2
    • Summoned spirits gain +10 Hit Points
Requires: Shaman class

Source Version: Enhanced Edition
Internal Code: bdamul26

How to Obtain:
    • Spellhold Tests (Test 3) – Loot from troll shaman

Full Description:
During a skirmish between a powerful water elemental and a powerful earth elemental, a tiny fragment of the latter broke off. An orc fleeing the site of the battle snatched the fragment up as she ran. This she gave to her tribe’s shaman, who immediately recognized its power and fashioned it into an amulet.

The Heart of the Mountain is of particular use to those who do the Ghost Dance. Such folk dwell at least partly in the realm of the spirits; the amulet forges a stronger connection ‘twixt them and the earth, lending its wearer strength in the face of physical adversity.

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