Eyes of the Beholder

baldurs gate ii equipment ohrieye

Armor – Helmet
2 Lore Req: 45
Value: 8500
Charged Abilities:
    • Control (3 times per day)
        – Target is dominated for 1 turn (Save vs. Spell negates)
    • Paralyze (3 times per day)
        – Target is held for 1 turn (Save vs. Spell negates)
    • Fear (3 times per day)
        – Target flees in terror for 1 turn (Save vs. Spell negates)
Equipped Abilities:
    • Armor Class: +1
    • Protects against critical hits

Source Version: Enhanced Edition
Internal Code: ohreyeb

How to Obtain:
    • Twofold Temple (Inside) – Reward for completing Room of Pain Test

Full Description:
Ages ago, the infamous conjurer Nederath created this artifact from the remains of a powerful beholder. It takes the form of a helm crowned by ten eyestalks. The wearer can gaze through a central eye and focus the helm’s power toward enemies.

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