Dispel Magic

baldurs gate ii equipment iscrl1e

Consumable – Spell Scroll
0 Lore Req: 0
Value: 300
School: Abjuration
Level: 3
Range: 40 ft.
Duration: Instant
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: 15-ft. radius
Saving Throw: None
Spell Summary: Dispel magical effects in an area.

Internal Code: SCRL1E

Full Description:
A Dispel Magic spell removes magical effects upon anyone within the area. This includes effects given from spells, potions and certain magical items such as wands. It does not, however, affect enchanted magical items or spell protections such as Spell Turning and Spell Deflection. The chance of the dispel succeeding is determined by the level of the caster and the level of the magic being dispelled. The base chance of successfully dispelling is 50%. For every level that the caster of the Dispel Magic is above the original caster, his chance of success increases by 5%. For every level that the caster of Dispel Magic is below the original caster, his chance of success decreases by 10%. However, despite the difference in levels, there is always at least a 5% chance of success or failure. Thus, if a caster is 10 levels higher than the magic he is trying to dispel, there is only a 5% chance of failure. Similarly if the caster is 4 levels lower than the magic he is trying to dispel, there is only a 10% chance of success. Intuitively, this spell is almost useless if the target is 5 or more levels higher than the caster.

Note: While this spell dispels the individual effects of Grease, Web, Stinking Cloud, and other such spells, it does not dispel the area of effect.

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