Cone of Cold

baldurs gate ii ability spwi503c

Wizard Spell

Available To: Mage, Sorcerer
Level: 5
School: Evocation
Range: 0
Duration: Instant
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 18-ft. cone with 90-deg. arc
Saving Throw: 1/2
Summary: Shoot out freezing air, damaging enemies.

Internal Code: SPWI503

Full Description:
When this spell is cast, it generates a cone-shaped area of extreme cold originating at the wizard’s hand and extending outward in a cone 18 ft. long with a 90-deg. arc. It drains heat and causes 1d4+1 points of damage per level of the caster. For example, a 10th-level wizard would cast a cone of cold causing 10d4+10 points of damage.

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