Cloak of the Sewers

baldurs gate ii equipment iclck27

Armor – Cloak
3 Lore Req: 30
Value: 4000
Charged Abilities:
    • Polymorph Self (once per day)
        – Special: The wearer can change into a rat, a troll, or a mustard jelly
Equipped Abilities:
    • Armor Class: +1

Internal Code: CLCK27

How to Obtain:
    • Temple District Sewers – Loot from rakshasa

Full Description:
For a sewer-dweller like Ivan, survival meant going where others refused. Hiding from thugs, Ivan went so deep into the sewers beneath Baldur’s Gate that he found natural caves, some of which opened to the ocean. Within one cave, Ivan discovered what he thought was a ruined cloak, all torn and stained. He tossed it into the fire he started, but it would not burn. Curious, he donned it, and with some prying, he discovered its hidden abilities. With the right command, he could shift into a rat, a troll, or a mustard jelly.

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