Cloak of the Dark Moon

baldurs gate ii equipment ohriclk4

Armor – Cloak
3 Lore Req: 60
Value: 5500
Charged Abilities:
    • Protection from Mangical Energy (3 times per day)
        – Area of Effect: The wearer
        – Duration: 4 hours
Equipped Abilities:
    • Armor Class: +2
    • Saving Throws: +2 at night
    • Immunity to blindness

Source Version: Enhanced Edition
Internal Code: ohrclck4

How to Obtain:
    • Deepstone Clanhold (Keep) – Found in Alorgoth’s room

Full Description:
Those that worship Shar often draw upon their dark goddess’s power in creating magical items. This Cloak of the Dark Moon seems to have been crafted under such circumstances.

At first glance, this cloak seems to absorb all light cast upon it, appearing as a pile of black nothingness. Upon closer inspection, it becomes apparent that this finely crafted cloak is not entirely black; it has a subtle and endlessly shifting texture to it. The cloak possesses no magical aura, but does indeed have potent abilities. When worn, it will rapidly shrink or expand to properly fit the wearer.

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