Cloak of Protection +1

baldurs gate ii equipment iclck01

Armor – Cloak
3 Lore Req: 55
Value: 5000
Equipped Abilities:
    • Armor Class: +1
    • Saving Throws: +1

Internal Code: CLCK01

How to Obtain:
    • Slums District (Slaver Stockade) – Dropped by Slaver Wizard
    • Planar Sphere ((Level 1) – Dropped during sahuagin battle
    • Various other locations throughout Faerun

Full Description:
This simple cloak has been imbued with some small magical properties to help protect its wearer. It does so by affecting both Saving Throws and Armor Class. It is ideal for Mages and others who cannot wear bulkier or more restrictive types of armor.

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