
Standard Class

Available Races: Human, Elf, Half-Elf, Gnome, Halfling, Dwarf, Half-Orc
Primary Attribute: Wisdom (9 Minimum)
Stronghold: The Cleric can join the church that corresponds with his alignment in the Temple District. See our Priest Quests section for more information.
High Level Abilities:
  • Aura of Flaming Death
  • Earth Elemental Transformation
  • Elemental Summoning
  • Energy Blades
  • Fire Elemental Transformation
  • Globe of Blades
  • Implosion
  • Mass Raise Dead
  • Storm of Vengeance
  • Summon Deva
  • Summon Fallen Deva

The cleric is a generic priest (of any mythos) who tends to the spiritual needs of a community. He is both protector and healer. He is not purely defensive, however. When evil threatens, the cleric is well suited to seek it out on its own ground and destroy it.

  • Spell casting
  • Can wear any type of armor

  • Can only use blunt weapons
  • Can only get one proficiency (+) per weapon

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