Celestial Fury +3

baldurs gate ii equipment isw1h51

One-Handed Weapon – Katana
3 Lore Req: 60
Value: 7800
Damage: 1d10+3
Damage Type: Slashing
THAC0: +3
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency: Katana
Charged Abilities:
    • Lightning Strike (once per day)
        – Damage: 10d6 electrical (Save vs. Spell for half)
        – Range: 50 ft.
        – Area of Effect: 1 creature
    • Blindness (once per day)
        – Range: 40 ft.
        – Duration: 2 rounds
        – Area of Effect: 1 creature
        – Save vs. Spell negates
Combat Abilities:
    • Booming Thunder: Hit target must save vs. Spell or be stunned for 1 round
    • Shocking Blow: 5% chance of an extra 20 electrical damage to hit target
Requires: 6 Strength

Internal Code: SW1H51

How to Obtain:
    • Temple District (Guarded Compound) – Loot from Koshi on second floor

Full Description:
Many centuries ago, a trumpet archon named Chin Yi fell in love with a mortal man in Shou Lung and swore to protect him from enemies should he ever ride to war. When that time came, however, Chin Yi’s patron goddess Kwan Ying forbade her to intervene, not wishing to contribute to the bloodshed. When Chin Yi’s beloved was cut down by a yuan-ti warlord, her grief was terrible and her wrath immediate: Ignoring Kwan Ying’s warnings, she flew onto the battlefield and took up her beloved’s katana, using the blade to cut down the warlord and all those who served him. She continued the slaughter of the yuan-ti army until Kwan Ying herself appeared before her, arms open and eyes full of sympathy. “If it will stop this slaughter, I will ease your pain and end your suffering.”

“I do not wish to end my suffering,” replied Chin Yi. “I wish for my fury to sound throughout the ages, now and forever.” Wanting to help her servant, but not wishing to unleash such powerful fury on the world, Kwan Ying bound Chin Yi’s spirit to the blade of the man she had failed to protect and then hid the weapon in a warrior’s tomb. The tomb was later infiltrated and the weapon stolen, and although Chin Yi’s cries could no longer be heard through the steel of the blade, her vengeance was as brutal as ever.

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