Bracers of Binding

baldurs gate ii equipment ibrac11

Armor – Gloves
1 Lore Req: 100
Value: 300
Equipped Abilities:
    • THAC0: -5
    • Damage: -5
    • Casting failure: 75%
    • May only be removed with a Remove Curse spell

Internal Code: BRAC11

How to Obtain:
    • Underdark (Ust Natha) – Found in alcove outside House Jae’llat

Full Description:
The bracers appear to be Bracers of Specialization, but when donned they bind the wearer’s wrists together, making it quite difficult to wield a weapon or cast a spell. These bracers are sometimes offered as rewards for services rendered by the drow. The recipient, believing them to be very powerful, will often don them before examining them. At this point, the drow find it amusing to conjure a hook horror.

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