Standard Class

Available Races: Human, Half-Elf
Primary Attribute: Dexterity (12 Minimum), Intelligence (13 Minimum), Charisma (15 Minimum)
Stronghold: The Bard can acquire the theater beneath the Five Flagons Inn in the Bridge District. See our Bard Quests section for more information.
High Level Abilities:
  • Alchemy
  • Avoid Death
  • Enhanced Bard Song
  • Evasion
  • Greater Evasion
  • Magic Flute
  • Scribe Scrolls
  • Set Exploding Trap
  • Set Spike Trap
  • Set Time Trap
  • Use Any Item

The bard is also a rogue, but he is very different from the thief. His strength is his pleasant and charming personality. With it and his wits he makes his way through the world. A bard is a talented musician and a walking storehouse of gossip, tall tales and lore. He learns a little bit about everything that crosses his path; he is a jack-of-all- trades but master of none. While many bards are scoundrels, their stories and songs are welcome almost everywhere.

  • Bard’s Battle Song
  • Pick Pockets
  • Spell Casting (Mage Spells)
  • High Lore (for identifying)

  • Must be partially Neutral in alignment
  • Cannot wear armor while spell casting
  • Cannot use shields
  • Cannot use armor heavier than Chain Mail
  • Can only get one proficiency (+) per weapon

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