Aslyferund Elven Chain +5

baldurs gate ii equipment ichan19

Armor – Elven Chain Mail
15 Lore Req: 0
Value: 32000
Armor Class: 0 (-2 vs. slashing, 2 vs. crushing)
Equipped Abilities:
    • Open Locks: -5%
    • Find Traps: -5%
    • Pick Pockets: -20%
    • Move Silently: -10%
    • Immunity to normal weapons
    • Spellcasting is not disabled
Requires: 5 Strength

Source Version: Throne of Bhaal
Internal Code: CHAN19

How to Obtain:
    • Pocket Plane – Forged for you by Cespenar the Imp for Bladesinger Chain +4, Protection from Normal Weapons scroll, and 40,000 gp

Full Description:
While in exile from Myth Drannor, Aslyferund learned the secret of fashioning powerful elven armor by gilding and heavily enchanting normal elven chain. Alas, his refusal to divulge the secret lead to his murder by a rival smith.

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