Armor of the Viper +5

baldurs gate ii equipment ileat18

Armor – Studded Leather Armor
6 Lore Req: 85
Value: 7000
Armor Class: 2 (0 vs. slashing, 1 vs. piercing and missile)
Equipped Abilities:
    • Save vs. Death: -2
Requires: 6 Strength

Internal Code: LEAT18

How to Obtain:
    • Underdark (Ust Natha) – Found in wardrobe in Deirex the Lich’s tower

Full Description:
This armor’s namesake is a serpent only in manner, referring to the drow assassin Raroh. Poison was his trademark, and when he discovered this suit’s susceptibility to venom, he gifted it to Avlorm, a promising novice assassin within his own guild. When Avlorm’s power eventually threatened his own, Raroh easily dispatched him, thanks to the weakness of the armor he still wore.

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